Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Using Blogs as Writing Portfolios

Blogs are wonderful things. There are so many uses for them. As a teacher, I am challenged to constantly revise and reflect on my own practice. Hopefully, the changes I make improve my practice.

This year, I would like to have all students in my class have their own Writing Portfolio Blog. The intention or purpose of this project is to:

a. Improve writing skills
b. Foster more interest in writing on the parts of all students in the class
c. Meet curriculum expectations
d. Provide students with an alternate method of writing

My hope is that by the end of the school year, students can look back and see all of their hard work and efforts. As well, they will be able to see their development and progress vividly, using the internet. A magical aspect of using Blogs is that they are available for students to share their work at any given time, with anyone they wish. The internet is a new learning environment. I am charged as a teacher in the 21st century with preparing my students for the future. Thus, writing portfolio blogs.

Mrs. Harwood


Blogger Kem said...

Hi Mrs Harwood, looks like I am two years late in responding to you. I like your idea very much. I have done a bit of research on portfolios; in schools and at the university where I teach. I was thinking of how to use portfolio and blog together and came across your blog. So, what's the outcome of your project?

5:25 AM  

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